How Two Princes Became Mountain Names In Wales

How Two Princes Became Mountain Names In Wales

When it comes to learning about Welsh history and culture, Snowdonia is a great place to go. Whether it is the fact that Welsh is widely spoken there, the presence of so many castles (albeit mainly built by the English) and numerous folk tales such as the tragedy of...
Who was the Girl of Llyn y Fan Fach?

Who was the Girl of Llyn y Fan Fach?

One of the most popular Welsh legends is the story of the Girl of Llyn y Fan Fach, also known as the Lady of the Lake. There are various versions of this ancient tale, which has been passed down through thousands of years of Celtic oral storytelling tradition. In...
Welsh Love Spoons Celebrated At Wisconsin Festival

Welsh Love Spoons Celebrated At Wisconsin Festival

The heart and soul of Angel Woodcraft lies in the beautiful symbolism of giving and receiving Welsh love spoons. Giving your loved one a Welsh love spoon honours the history of this tradition, but also breathes life into an ancient art form, by creating your own...
Who Is The Welsh Goddess Rhiannon?

Who Is The Welsh Goddess Rhiannon?

Welsh literary culture is celebrated for its mediaeval myths and legends, such as the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. However, there are a collection of legends from an even earlier time, known as The Mabinogion. The first written copies date...
What Does A Spoon Symbolise?

What Does A Spoon Symbolise?

The tradition of the love spoon has several different origins, from Norway to Wales, and has endured through generations of skilled traditional craftsmen. The traditional spoons were even popularised in an issue of Popular Science, and whilst the project they...
Welsh Love Spoons Gifted For Whitland WI Centenary

Welsh Love Spoons Gifted For Whitland WI Centenary

Members of the Whitland Women’s Institute (WI) recently celebrated the organisation’s 100th birthday, complete with a garden party, Calendar Girls-themed cake, and Welsh love spoons, making a celebration worthy of a centenary celebration. In Your Area reports that...

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