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Top Tips To Pick The Perfect Holiday Souvenir

Angel Woodcraft Flower Lovespoon

The holiday season is well underway, and many of us will be packing our bags and setting off somewhere for a week or two of fun and relaxation. Whether you are heading to a British destination or somewhere further afield, the urge to bring back a special memento to remind ourselves of our holiday, or as a gift for a loved one, is universal.

However, finding the perfect holiday souvenirs can be a challenge. There will probably be no shortage of opportunities to shop unless you are going somewhere well off the beaten tourist path, but it can be hard to avoid the trap of buying a generic item that quickly loses its novelty after a week or two of being sat on your desk.

The first step to choosing a memento that you will genuinely treasure for years to come is to seek out something that is unique to the area and you will feel an emotional connection with. It can be best to avoid the more obvious touristy trap shops, which may sell products that haven’t even been locally made and are of questionable quality.

Instead, look for shops that sell handcrafted items made by local artisans, such as Welsh love spoons if you happen to be holidaying in the land of mountains, sea and song. These spoons are beautifully hand carved from high quality wood such as walnut, sycamore or limewood.

The various decorative handle motifs carry symbolic meanings, such as the Welsh dragon, the daffodil (the national flower of Wales) or Celtic cross. The first love spoons date from about the 16th century in Wales, when they were carved by sailors to pass the time at sea, and given as a gift to try and win the heart of a special young lady back at home.

There are plenty of ways you can seek out handicrafts that are connected to the local culture of the place you are visiting. Do a little research online beforehand if you are going somewhere new and relatively unfamiliar.

This could spark off ideas about what to look for, whether it’s a decorative piece of artwork to put the finishing touches to a hallway or living room, or something that you will use in the kitchen, such as a piece of hand-finished crockery.

If you are buying a gift for another person, consider their tastes and needs as well as looking for something that captures the character of the place you are visiting. Are they the type of person who enjoys collecting nick nacks and decorative items, or do they prefer practical gifts such as clothing or mugs?

Finally, consider practical issues such as your budget and how easily transportable the item is. It might be tempting to buy a beautiful framed painting to remind you of a foreign trip, but you will have to pay a lot to have it packaged and shipped home. Certain perishable items such as food and drink may cause issues at customs.

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